Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Journal of Transactions of the Victorian Institute

I have been searching for quotes that might be applicable to use in the exhibit that can demonstrate the change of mentality towards science and religion in order to stick with the themes of science and sentiment.

Here are some my thoughts mumble jumbled but need to be let loose:

  • G.F's British born grandfather was a member of the Victoria Institute, his name was Amos F. Beardsley, Sr.
  • Both Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell are mentioned in many of their papers/theories etc...
  • Both Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell had Mountains named after their research and publications in the Pacific region due to their contributions... (By looking at historical maps it can be seen early on the location names were put in place)
  • The scientific thought in the Journal of Transactions that was highly debated at the time of publication (And in some cases even today) included both Darwin and Lyell's contributions. I presume those ideas influenced G.F. Beardsley, but before him, his grandfather Amos F. Beardsley
  • creationism, catastrophism, uniformitarianism were all ideas being debated. The Hot Topics! 

Reading over the quotes from several Journal of Transactions I find it interesting how seemingly progressive the writers and researchers appear to have been! It's entertaining and interesting to read through and imagine these influential characters disclose their findings and then argue (or debate) in a manner that was so literary. intelligent, polite and respectful.

Here are just two quotes but there are so many more good ones its hard to say what is best for the exhibit:




  1. Great quotations. Do you have dates for actual pp. you linked? This kind of thing will help maintain the continuity re: botany/natural history/science between the Parallal Lives and Colonial Milieu team units. Clearly all the skirts, mats, and other plant fiber artifacts are an expression of GF's interest in botany.

  2. The first quote was published in The Journal of Transactions in 1884, the second in 1885. If we are to use these, we would need didactic panels with the source information correct?
